Property Auctions - commercial property london

Auction date: Thu, 25/04/2024 - 10:00

The property comprises a single storey detached car showroom and forecourt with ancillary accommodation and forecourts with direct vehicular access on a site of approximately 397.50 sq m (4,279 sq ft). The Receivers have been verbally informed by the Tenant that the rent is £3,666.67 per calendar month + VAT (£44,000 per annum +VAT). 

Auction date: Thu, 14/12/2023 - 12:00

Forming part of a mid-terraced building comprising a Ground Floor Shop. The property is let on an effectively full repairing and insuring lease for a term of 15 years from 29th September 2023 (renewal of a previous lease) at a current rent of £12,000 per annum exclusive (rising to £13,000 p.a. in September 2024, £14,000 p.a. in September 2025 and £15,000 p.a. in September 2027). Rent Reviews 2028 and 2033

Auction date: Thu, 14/12/2023 - 12:00

Forming part of a mid-terraced building comprising a Ground Floor Café and Basement. The property is let on a full repairing and insuring lease for a term of 12 years from 22nd June 2015 (excl. s.24-28 of L & T Act 1954) at a current rent of £21,945 per annum exclusive. Rent Review June 2024 Mutual Break September 2024.

Auction date: Tue, 24/10/2023 - 12:00

Comprising two shops with internal access to offices on two upper floors. EQUIVALENT TO £72,500 p.a. & OFFERED WITH DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL (SUBJECT TO OBTAINING ALL NECESSARY CONSENTS).

Auction date: Tue, 12/09/2023 - 12:00

A freehold commercial shop which has recently been refurbished. The premises has a frontage of 9' feet and a basement of 287 sq ft and will be sold with vacant possession which would be a suitable for a number of E class and retail uses. 

Auction date: Thu, 13/07/2023 - 12:00

The property is a former warehouse and is operating as an A3 Indian restaurant held on a 25 year lease producing an income of £125,000 per annum from 2nd April 2021. The lease contains five yearly rent reviews and the property is sold with the benefit of the ongoing income. This lot will be of interest to investment purchasers.