Property Auctions - arable land
Auction date: Wed, 05/03/2025 - 14:00
Guide Price £160,000+. An opportunity to purchase three parcels of arable land extending to 23.03 acres (9.32 hectares) situated in a rural location. The land is classified as Grade 2 on the Agricultural Land Classification Map and the Soil Survey of England & Wales classifies the soils as being mainly of the Hanslope soil association; a slowly permeable clay soil, suitable for winter cereals and some other arable crops.
Auction date: Wed, 11/12/2024 - 11:00
Guide Price £80,000 - £100,000. 8.9 acres (stms) of agriculture/amenity land. Until recently it has been farmed for wheat and is therefore ideal for arable farming or grassland. It is also may be suitable for a range of alternative uses subject to planning permission. There is mains water to the site.
Auction date: Wed, 11/12/2024 - 14:00
Guide Price £35,000+. An opportunity to acquire a parcel of Grade 2 agricultural land extending to 1.77 hectares (4.37 acres). The soils are identified as belonging to the Evesham 3 Soil Series which are further described as being slowly permeable calcareous clay with fine loamy clay over clayey soils. Currently in arable production the land is also well suited for equestrian and amenity uses subject to obtaining any necessary consents.
Auction date: Tue, 19/11/2024 - 18:00
Guide Price £600,000. Approximately 62.19 acres (25.17 ha) of arable and pastureland. The land, which comprises a ring-fenced block of mixed arable and pastureland, lies in nine main enclosures, bounded by well-kept hawthorn hedges, with some hedgerow trees, and has been used for both livestock grazing and arable production for many years. The land, which is a free draining, sandy loam, is classified as Grade 3 under the DEFRA classification system.
Auction date: Mon, 18/11/2024 - 12:00
Guide Price £60,000. An opportunity to purchase approximately 3.86 acres (1.56 hectares) of arable land in rotation for combinable crops, with convenient roadside access. The land is classified as Grade 3 under the MAFF Agricultural Land Classification scheme with soils being classified as loamy with naturally high groundwater, which is common to much of the land in the area.
Auction date: Fri, 25/10/2024 - 14:00
Guide Price £350,000. 38.42 acres (15.55 hectares) of fertile, workable arable land with good accessibility. Level to gently sloping, split into three fields. The land has previously been used to grow salad crops and is understood to be very fertile, more recently the land has been in a combinable crop rotation. This Autumn, the land has been drilled with a cover crop. The land is not located in Dorset’s National Landscape (formerly AONB), but is located in a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone (NVZ).
Auction date: Tue, 23/04/2024 - 18:00
Some 51.80 Acres of Land (20.96 Ha.). This good block of arable land is in a ring fence, having long frontage to the main road. It is being sold subject to a farm business tenancy (FBT), which will expire on 28th September 2024. The current rent passing is £5,197.00. A copy of the tenancy agreement will be in the solicitor's auction pack.
Auction date: Wed, 27/03/2024 - 15:00
The land comprises of:- 1. 0.498 hectares (1.23 acres) of grassland 2. 1st arable field (southern), equates to 3.318 hectares (8.20 acres) 3. 2nd arable field (northern) is 3.084 hectares (7.62 acres).
Auction date: Wed, 21/02/2024 - 19:00
Approximately 21.66 acres of gently sloping grass and arable land with parish road frontage. No footpaths. Natural water supply with mains available close by.
Auction date: Wed, 21/02/2024 - 19:00
The land extends to approximately 33.18 acres (13.42 hectares) comprising a ring fenced block of level or very gently sloping land, with access onto an adjoining parish road. The land is well fenced with a mains water supply and has historically been used for both livestock and arable purposes. It is noted the land is classified as Grade II under the Ministry Land Classification Plan, with the soil type indicated as being well drained, fine loamy and silty soils.